Walkers Creek / Newport

41.3 miles (66.5 km)/2,765 feet (842.8 meters)
Rural roads with beautiful views. Easy to moderate to challenging all on the same ride. One of the oldest towns in the area, Middlebrook sits near the divide between the headwaters of the James and Potomac rivers. The road out of town follows the path of the old stagecoach road south towards Brownsburg. Route 252, follows a very old pathway, used by Native Americans, European explorers and later settlers. A cyclist riding at a leisurely pace will approximate the canter of the earlier stagecoaches!
The loop crosses the divide and rolls down Walkers Creek before turning east then north and gradually climbing back to the start. The land here is mostly open pasture interspersed with woods; the elevation is in spots as high if not higher than some of the passes through the Blue Ridge Mountains to the east.